Leadership & Career

How to keep your talent from going ‘independent’

A freelancer or freelance worker is a term commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Sound like anyone you know? Or perhaps that defines you? An article in Fast Company magazine reported some intriguing numbers: “As of May 2015, 15.5 million people in the U.S. were self-employed, according to the Bureau of Labor

How to keep your talent from going ‘independent’ Read More »

7 business lessons from a modern Super Bowl team

In the thrilling Super Bowl showdown of 2023, the Kansas City Chiefs emerged victorious, claiming the prestigious title after an intense clash with the Philadelphia Eagles in Arizona. Led by the remarkable performance of quarterback Patrick Mahomes, the Chiefs showcased a remarkable second-half effort, resulting in a narrow 38-35 victory. This epic Super Bowl encounter

7 business lessons from a modern Super Bowl team Read More »

Lessons I learned from Sir Mix-a-Lot and other digital influencers at Seattle Interactive Conference

I attended the Seattle Interactive Conference last week, which took place at the Washington State Convention Center. Imagine a conference hall filled with an elite crowd of designers, developers, digital media experts, and tech industry leaders, all in one place. The energy and inspiration was flowing! The annual Seattle Interactive Conference is a two-day event

Lessons I learned from Sir Mix-a-Lot and other digital influencers at Seattle Interactive Conference Read More »

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