
Kalles Group and Scrut Automation join forces to enhance cybersecurity

At Kalles Group, we are driven by a singular mission: to secure the future for businesses of all sizes, from startups to small businesses and Fortune 500 companies. We firmly believe that everyone deserves to be secure. That’s why our focus extends beyond offering mere compliance solutions, templates, or technology. We strive to give our clients true peace of mind by ensuring that they can confidently use, maintain, and improve their technology without compromising security.

We understand that technology alone is not enough and businesses need practical solutions that work for their specific resource constraints. It’s the people, the processes, and the collaboration that truly make a difference.

Partnership announcement

In line with our commitment, we are happy to announce our partnership with Scrut Automation, a leading compliance automation and risk observability platform that shares our dedication to prioritizing security for all. Scrut’s platform addresses the needs of cloud-native companies by streamlining information security monitoring and providing risk observability. Their governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) solution empowers organisations, regardless of their stage, to effortlessly establish robust information security posture and save hundreds of hours of time and effort in achieving compliance.

By joining forces, we are united in our mission to help businesses simplify cybersecurity and navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape with confidence. Scrut’s compliance automation and information security monitoring platform complements our tailored security programs designed to be simple and effective. Integrating Scrut’s compliance platform with our services enables businesses to simplify complex security concepts, internalise actionable risk management practices, and enhance their overall security posture.

Benefits for our clients

The most exciting part about this partnership is the multitude of benefits for our clients. With our expertise in cybersecurity, cyber risk and security leadership consulting, combined with Scrut’s automation platform, we can deliver end-to-end cybersecurity solutions to our clients. Businesses can automate risk assessment and monitoring, manage multiple compliance audits and have unique risk-first security programs tailored for their organisation and more– all from a single window.

deliver end-to-end cybersecurity solutions to our clients. Businesses can automate risk assessment and monitoring, manage multiple compliance audits and have unique risk-first security programs tailored for their organisation and more– all from a single window.

A few benefits that stand out for us are:

  1. Enhanced risk management

    Through the integration of Scrut Automation’s real-time risk observability capabilities and the strategic guidance of Kalles Group, customers can proactively identify and manage potential security risks, gaining real-time visibility into their risk landscape. This empowers organisations to stay ahead of emerging threats by implementing targeted security measures, and ensuring the ongoing protection of their critical assets.


  2. Comprehensive and tailored security programs

    Through our collaboration, customers benefit from comprehensive security solutions that address all aspects of their information security needs, ensuring robust defence against cyber threats. Organisations can implement tailored security programs precisely aligned with their unique requirements, business processes, systems, and compliance obligations.


  3. Streamlined compliance processes

    The partnership between Kalles Group and Scrut Automation streamlines compliance processes, making it easier for customers to meet regulatory requirements and industry standards. By automating compliance tasks and leveraging expert guidance, organisations can eliminate duplication of effort and achieve a state of continuous compliance.

  4. Cost and resource optimization

    Businesses can optimise security processes, streamline workflows, and reduce manual effort, leading to increased productivity and cost savings. By automating repetitive tasks and providing actionable insights, organisations can strategically allocate resources, maximise cybersecurity investments, and focus on critical security initiatives.


Our joint efforts are dedicated to providing our clients with peace of mind. With a comprehensive and tailored approach, we understand the importance of their cybersecurity needs and are fully committed to their success. By combining our expertise and resources, our clients can confidently focus on their core business objectives, knowing their security is in capable hands. Together, we bring a holistic and streamlined approach to address diverse security needs, delivering true peace of mind and empowering businesses to thrive in a secure digital landscape.

Join us in celebrating this new alliance.

Your future is secured when your business can use, maintain, and improve its technology

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