Global process development


Global software company engages Kalles Group to develop strong engagement model for Claims, Vendors, and HR global process standards across the program management community in each of its regional operations centers, for all partner-related system releases.



Our client’s division, responsible for managing commercial program and process operations, faced three distinct challenges:

  • Regional differences in validation process: Claims validation processes were out of alignment between Regional Operations Centers, causing confusion and dissatisfaction among investors and stakeholders as well as documented financial loss. In addition, compliance gaps allowed for misuse of funds for reimbursement
  • Manual quantification of personnel: The operations group relied on the manual quantification of its professional skillsets, with no automated structure or system to collect and use this valuable data
  • Unstandardized vendor operations: Vendor processes were not standardized across Regional Operations Centers. Vendors in each location were responsible for hiring their own vendor teams and processes for handling payment varied from center to center.


Kalles Group selected an experienced project manager with Six Sigma experience to:

  • Integrate with the operations team and work with senior leadership to identify key areas of business processes in need of standardization across the global chain
  • Analyze the operations group’s capabilities to yield metrics that could be used to quantify, organize, and enumerate as needed
  • Create role designations based on collected metrics
  • Communicate changes to the claims validation process to stakeholders, investors and end-users in each region


Kalles Group’s project manager worked closely with our client’s senior leadership to develop and apply the following changes within the operations group:

  • Globalized validation process: Developed a global standardized process for claims validation. Created internal documentation, including scripted demonstrations and readiness education, to help partners in each location align their regional processes with the new standards
  • Automated aggregation of employee data: Produced a full organization chart of regional operations. Created role designations to quantify skillsets and balance the new data across the Human Resources division of each Regional Operations Center. Created an automatic process and system to catalogue newly acquired talent
  • Standardization of vendor operations: Collected and organized vendor hiring data from each Regional Operations Center. Aggregated the data to produce standardized processes for acquiring vendors, and managing and documenting vendor interactions.

Our client’s vendor acquisition and management and claims validation processes adhere to a global standard independent of sub-processes that exist for each region. The newly standardized processes account for an increase in financial security, and fewer reports of miscommunication between Operations Centers. The results include process efficiency and stakeholder satisfaction. In addition, the deep pool of talent our client possesses is now catalogued and organized, allowing operations group managers to meet and mitigate challenges as they arise in a more controlled and efficient manner.

The newly standardized processes account for an increase in financial security, and fewer reports of miscommunication between Operations Centers.

Your future is secured when your business can use, maintain, and improve its technology

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